I help women who are childless not by choice. To be empowered to transform their lives, experience a life of purpose, feel fulfilled, and love themselves again. By shifting suppressed emotions, unlocking the power of their mind, and self healing.– Anne Barratt
You have it all… You’ve worked hard… You’ve made it happen…
You have the job, the life, the success …. Or so people think from the outside.
But… You feel like curling up in a ball under the doona and never coming out
due to the hidden grief of not having children.
You had the choice taken away from you. The future you had dreamed of … has been taken away from you.
And you lie awake at night wondering where it all went wrong.
You now dream of the day the pain will go away.
But how can you expect to be happy. The pain of loss is just too deep to even think about making any changes.
It’s not your fault. You’re not alone.
Now there is a way to find your new purpose and happiness for life.
Specifically designed for women just like you, a roadmap that shows that you actually can get through this and lead a fulfilling life.
In fact it’s the very same skills, and can-do attitude that got you this far,
that are the keys to your future happiness and success.
For a session to identify key emotions and blocks to moving through the struggle and grief. Appointments held online via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime etc. or in person.
A free meditation to change your mindset.
Enter your email to get access.
Stay In Touch
On Facebook at Childless Support.
Serving people globally. Geography is no obstacle due to technology and coaching session may be held via the Skype, FaceTime or Zoom. Times are more flexible than those listed here on this page for online sessions. Please send me an email with times suitable to you to info@empoweringhealth.clinic
For face to face sessions I service the Blue Mountains – Penrith, Castlereagh, Hawkesbury Heights, Richmond, Leonay, Emu Plains, Lapstone, Glenbrook, Blaxland, Mt Riverview, Warimoo, Winmalee, Yellow Rock, Hawkesberry Heights, Valley Heights, Springwood, Winmalee, Faulconbridge, Linden, Woodford, Hazelbrook, Lawson, Bullaburra, Wentworth Falls, Leura, Katoomba, Medlow Bath, Blackheath, Mt Victoria, Hartley.