
I’m Anne Barratt, the Chief Support Officer for women who are childless by circumstance, and not by choice.

What do I do? One thing:

I help women who are struggling with the emotions and heart ache related to not being able to have children, to move through this void and find a way to live a fulfilling life by teaching them skills to heal themselves, find new purpose, and achieve a new future (without children).

In other words?

I’m in the business of RE-empowering you.

Obsessed with the body’s self healing capacity – without drugs – naturally, and the power of our own mind, I want you to be supported through this difficult time in your life, on a subject that few understand, or feel comfortable talking about.  And in the process start to be comfortable accepting your situation and moving forward …. happily.

I support you if you:

  • want to reach out to someone else who is also childless by circumstance.
  • want to know you are not alone.
  • want to know it is possible to cross the void
  • are determined to take back charge of your body and your life.

BUT maybe…

  • you’re not quite feeling strong enough yet.
  • you are still grieving the children and future that’s been taken from you.
  • you are not quite certain how you are ever going to get through this.
  • you’re questioning the purpose of existing, so why try anything?

I have experienced all this and more, and through continuous effort and self healing have got through this, and want to help you do the same. Because I couldn’t find support when I needed it, and was laughed at for asking by my Specialist, I have used my infuriation and channelled my efforts into creating this business so that women who are childless by circumstance, not by choice, can find support, and heal naturally.

My experience has taught me one big truth: it takes work and commitment to work through this process.  And it is important to learn self healing techniques to get your body and mind back into balance, so as not to create any disease, but instead choose to live a fulfilling life.

But you know what else I know?
The hardest things to do in life – They’re also those that are most worth pursuing.

That’s why I am developing the Childless Support RE-empowerment program especially for you. And currently run personal session via Skype, and in clinic appointments in Sydney’s Lower Blue Mountains.

If you too want to start understanding why you ended up in this situation, by learning about your body and mind and what may have lead you to your current point in life,

AND you’re eager to learn how to start taking control of your future…

Take a breath and settle in, lady. “This is your new life”.

Here's my (personal) story

I’m Sydney born and raised.

Could not speak a word of English when I started school, as my parents taught me Estonian.  A very useful way to make new friends … Not.

I was brought up with traditional and conservative family values, and a strong emphasis on education.  Although my family wasn’t traditional in the traditional sense.  They were immigrants and came to Australia as teenagers.  They met in Perth and my mum made my dad chase her across the country to Sydney.  They eventually married and didn’t have me until their 30s which at that time was considered late in life.

My parents were always much older than my friend’s parents, and I was jealous of the relationships my friends had with their parents compared to mine.  So I promised myself I’d never be an old parent and have kids in my early 20s.

However life didn’t work in my favour, or maybe my choice in partners and what I was putting in and on my body at that time didn’t work in my favour.  Or the level of long term stress, working my way up the corporate ladder also didn’t help.

After trying naturally, then with IVF, then a naturopath who specialised in fertility – and struggling with stage IV endometriosis for many years I had to have emergency surgery to remove my uterus and ovaries.

I was devastated.  I felt like my purpose for existing had been taken away from me.  I felt like I had failed as a woman, a daughter, and a partner.  I quickly became depressed and had to have extended leave from work.

After my surgery I asked my Gynaecologist, my Doctor, and the Centre for Advanced Reproductive Endosurgery if there was any support groups for women who can’t have children and got laughed at.  My Doctor referred me to a Psychologist for 10 sessions to help with depression, but the Psychologist had 3 kids of her own so I knew that she could not possibly understand what I was feeling – and it didn’t help.

I knew I couldn’t continue to (not) function as I was, and researched my way around what I should do.  Luckily at this stage I was already studying kinesiology, and I strongly believe if it was all the emotional, physical and energetic body balances I got to do as part of the course that I wouldn’t be where I am today – happy to be alive.

While on leave from work, I took the opportunity to evaluate my whole life.  If I wasn’t meant to be a mum, then what am I meant to be?  I don’t think I’ve found the answer yet, but I can live a life with meaning and purpose and trust that this will lead me to it.  I decided that I wanted to find a way to help other women who can’t have kids.  No one should be left to feel like they’re thrown into a black void.

Childlessness is a subject that’s not talked about, and others feel uncomfortable talking about, or assume that they have a right to tell you other ways you could still have kids, as if you haven’t considered all your options already.  It’s also hard being exposed to so much baby and kids stuff everywhere you go.

We are all unique and experience Childlessness in our own unique way.  And we are all mostly at different stages along our path.  What is important is that you move forward on your journey the best way forward for your optimal wellbeing.  Processing emotions, finding new purpose, moving through the void.

I don’t know that I’ll ever really get over it.  But I do know not to suppress emotions as this contributes to stress on the body, which if left unaddressed, may lead to dis…ease in the body.

Don’t you deserve to live the best life you can? Sooner rather than later?

Then let me to help you achieve this.

If you’re up for it, I’d love for you to introduce yourself and share your story.  The most direct way to do that right now is to say “hi there” in my Facebook Group: Childless Support.  I’m in and out of there daily so it’s easy for us to chat.

Feel like you need something more then I’m available for 1-on-1 sessions via Skype or Zoom, to help you move through the void and re-empower yourself.

See you soon.

Contact Me