
Here’s a list of “resources” to provide you further support.  I will continue to build on this over time as I come across more. 

World Childless Week

World Childless WeekIn 2018 World Childless Week is on 10-16 September 2018.  It was the brain child of Stephanie Phillips, a CNBC person herself.  World Childless Week is not about any individual, it is about supporting each other and raising awareness for everyone who is Childless NOT By Choice throughout the world.

If you know of any media opportunities to help promote this please let Stephanie know.

Facebook: @worldchildlessweek


Gateway Women

Gateway Women is a community of people who are Childless By Circumstance supporting one another in a private chat group.  The founder Jody Day has also written a book “Living the life unexpected.  12 weeks to your plan B for a meaningful and fulfilling future without children”.

Facebook: Gateway Women (UK)

Meetup group in Australia

CNBC Magazine

Nicci & Andrew Fletcher have turned their struggle into triumph and launched the first CNBC magazine.  They also were instrumental in the We Are Worthy Summit, which I ran an event in last year.  You can still access all the videos.


The Infertility Advocate

Sue Johnston is a writer, blogger and infertility advocate. After over 40 transfers during an 18-month period, she finally conceived and carried her son full-term. Although she has been very lucky and had her “miracle baby,” the emotional pain and trauma of years of infertility had a profound effect on her. That is why she still works to support people during their infertility journeys and works to raise awareness and improve support.
